Managed Services

Our company is ready to offer its existing and potential customers a new for the Russian market service Managed Services. The essence of this service lies in the fact that in some situations the customer is limited in the possibility of using his own staff of highly qualified specialists to perform high-quality complex business processes implemented with the help of our supplied solutions. In this case, our specialists can perform this function for it, and the customer can focus on developing the core business and promoting their products to the market.


If, as part of the implementation of the software package or its individual components, you plan to create and prepare your full-fledged IT department, then this is one approach. But, as the current life experience shows, they gradually leave this model and try to focus maximum attention on the provision of the main product, without dispersing forces and means. This is facilitated by the ever-growing competition, since now it is not enough to be able to do something, it is necessary to do it much better than others do.

While it is definitely not a place of primary investments for the company the IT department, it is much more important for a company to focus on creating value for its customers, and to manage IT processes at the mercy of those who constantly and purposefully do it.

The practice of outsourcing IT resources to our customers is Managed Services. As part of it, we offer the client to ensure that all critical business processes for servicing its subscribers are performed by our specialists in accordance with the agreed SLA.

What Managed Services does?

The use of Managed Services allows the customer to focus as much as possible on servicing their subscribers, and to shift all the work on setting up and high-quality system operation onto our shoulders. Using our specialists, the customer can significantly increase the speed of introducing new tariffs and offers to the market, preparing and launching marketing campaigns, performing all KPIs of the main business processes and reducing the time needed for generating analytical reports.

Managed Services include:

  • Audit of key client business processes
  • Optimization of business processes, the introduction of KPI
  • Setting up monitoring of critical indicators
  • Perform regular business processes
  • Launch of new products and tariff plans
  • Setting system parameters and directories
  • Management of test and production environments
  • Installing updates on a production environment
Currently, we can offer our clients to use the services of our service center and service centers of authorized partners to provide Managed Services. These centers are organized according to the most modern standards for such services.

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    10:00 - 19:00
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  • 109544, Moscow,
    Bol’shaya Andronevskaya street 17