The subscriber account management system Forward AMS (AAA-server) is an element of OSS. The main purpose of this system is to organize the effective interaction of APS and switching equipment when the state of services or subscriber access parameters changes. This system allows you to change the subscriber profile on the equipment without breaking its connection. Profile management occurs in real time.
The field of application of the system is the service of telecom operators providing modern managed services. The system provides ample opportunities if the company has set itself the task of managing the services provided to the subscriber in real time.
Forward AMS is a complex multicomponent complex consisting of a set of functional modules. AMS_AAA (system core) - this component is fundamental and allows you to organize the joint work of all other components of the system. The core of the system is built using the most advanced technologies, allowing to organize the work of the system with a large amount of data processed, as well as organize data processing in several independent streams.
As part of the core of the system, all the logic of subscriber maintenance and authentication of the subscriber, control of statistics consumed by him, control of simultaneously used sessions, change of the subscriber service profiles, transfer of the timely command to the session breakdown are laid. IMDG Hazelcast is used for distributed storage and online access to subscriber data; NoSQL Database Tarantool is used as persist. Working with various types of equipment involves storing a large number of different parameters that characterize certain types of equipment.
The AMS Integration block is designed to integrate the system with various external systems used by the operator. By means of this unit, the functions of the exchange, the information necessary for quality and timely customer service are implemented. For example, a frequently used function is to follow a link from the SD system to Forward AMS to obtain information about the reasons for a subscriber's denial of authorization or a decrease in the speed of access caused by a profile change. Although the reverse model is also required (operational (upon request from SD) data transfer from AMS to SD system.
The Gateway DHCP block is designed to process requests from DHCP clients, find a subscriber in the desired AMS_AAA cluster, and forward responses from AMS_AAA to DHCP clients.
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